Thursday, May 15, 2008

Another Bandit !

Had the best thing happen yesterday. I met another bandit in Dubbo! yay - how exciting is that! She has lost 110kg.........had lots of drama though that we won't go into cos it's yukky and no-one would have a band if they heard her story and she has had the band removed for the moment and has put on 30kg! But hey - she's been there and done that and is going back again I think. She only weighs 90kg now and started at 170kg. I was nearly jumping out of my skin asking her about her experience etc. and she was just lovely to boot! She lives about 3 blocks from me. So I gave her my card and she works at my favourite pub even!!
I bought myself some new jeans - size 22! Legend status! I was in a 26 - yes I can admit that now.....still not revealing the weight though! Just watch this space - I will reveal it one day.
I've only got 2.5kg to go until I get my 20kg charm! I'm getting a two-toned "K"
Anyway - off on my weekend away tomorrow afternoon - destressing I hope. Really need that at the moment.


Anonymous said...

Kath, that is so good. I'm so glad you have met another bandit. Having someone so local you can bounce things off is fantastic. I've seen how supportive your friends are, but now you have an added bonus.

Emjoy the weekend - I hope you get the destressing you need.

Myf xox

Sue H said...

WOW!!! Nearly 20kg - how great is that. Do you realise that is about 6 average newborns (or half a soccer team in the making!!). As for the jeans - fabulous.

Glad you have someone so close now to add to your network (and the bonus of her working at the pub!! - what a great excuse to visit her).

Hope you really enjoy your weekend away - you deserve to have some "me" time and be pampered. Just remember to think about all the other poor suckers who are not with you when you are being massaged, made-over, plied with wine and having some retail therapy at the markets.

Keep strong. Lots of Love.